Capricorn 4° “Ideal self-projection.”

The Span of Illusiveness – The 1st Hemisphere of Capricorn

Earth Element – Cardinal

The formula is: sustaining-critical-efficient-specializing-physical-responsible.

Dr. Marc Edmund Jones provides the official meaning of this Sabian symbol in his work, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology:

Capricorn 4° A party entering a large canoe

This is a symbol of man’s necessary adjustment of the practical details in his immediate environment as a preliminary to any personal participation in experience, and of his greater concern with these at times than with the real ends in view. Here also is his desire for the approval of his fellows before he commits himself, and his determination to involve them in whatever commands his own attention. The individual is sure of himself as he acts with others.

The keyword is ORDERING.

When positive, the degree is exceptional capacity for bringing all proper relationships to a point of effectiveness in any given exigency of everyday affairs, and when negative, inability to get along with anybody.

Alvin and the Chipmunks ~ Christmas Time is Here

All Aboard for Infinity and Beyond

“A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.” ― James P. Carse

Life is not One Game but Many

“The difference between the quest for the Holy Grail and someone saying ‘bring me a cup’ is the flavor text and the number of stops involved.” ― Bryan Fields

Need to Know Basis

Are you getting the hang of this game of life yet? Are you having fun? Life is such an exciting game, unless it’s not. When it’s not, then a change of perspective is in order–the get-up-and-go dynamic! Time after time. In the cyclical process, win or lose (never believe the strange dictates of others. Ho! Ho! Ho!), we are all winners. IF! Winners “if” we know the secret… Shhh…

Lean in Close, I have a Secret to Share

The secret is that winning has ever been and will always be about the powers we are discovering which reside within us–which are us–and which we cannot separate from but only awaken to through our very struggles with self-fulfillment!

My House is a House of Order

You are the essence of cosmic universal power but perhaps simply aren’t aware of it yet! Or perhaps you are! Wonderful! To be where I Am is to know who You Are, and to know that I Am is everywhere along the way of You Are! You Are cannot be anywhere that I Am is not for I Am is EVERYTHING! All else is illusion, but I AM enjoys illusion, and so is illusion too. Shhh! But why? Why does I Am want to be where You Are if You Are is not “happy”? What is it that You Are is awakening to in the place that I Am is now experiencing that will bring an awakening of the increased powers of I Am? Ruminate on that one! Ho! Ho! Ho! Wow! You Are–the power to know I Am! Then you will smile the smile that says, I know I Am! And it will be our great secret!

All I Want for Christmas

DaVinci Challenge Game – The ancient game of secret symbols is a classic strategy game with hidden mysteries as old as the pyramids. Briar Patch

Please Christmas Don’t Be Late

For better or for worse, we’re in the game! I Am says, “Let’s play! Where Are You, ALVIN!!!”

“Ideal self-projection.” Namaste ~ Saijin

 Image: Sacred Geometry and the Tree of Life

ALWAYS TODAY, my culminating work, is now available!

If you are interested, I now have packets of worksheets for each degree and every day of the year, using many geometric models with the Sabian symbols. Let me know if you would like to purchase one, email me at 



Cover to personalize
Daily Guide and Fillable 9-spot template
Daily Tarot, Archetypes and Sabian symbol interpretations of the 4 & 5 models
The 7-pt Goddess septenary and Chestahedron model
The Tesla/Enneagram worksheets
The Tree of Life and dodecahedron
Saijin’s Time Portal and Hourglass model worksheets
A Tarot Reading template
16-pt Pyramid with planetary glyphs




Facebook: Sabian Geometry with Saijin

Rumble: Always Today

WordPress: Sabian Symbologist ~ Saijin and Saijin’s Sabian Symbol Septenary

YouTube: Sabian Geomety; and Rebecca Jack

You can purchase my book: On the Shoulders of Giants: Advanced Techniques in Sabian Symbology

*Source: Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, 1953 First Edition, The Sabian Publishing Society, New York; printed in the United States of America by the Roberts Studio Press, Arden, Delaware.

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